
Stelkor Doctors


About the company

Stelkor Doctors is one of the most reputable medical centres in the prestigious Stellenbosch. It was founded in 1997 when 5 GPs amalgamated. In more recent years they have added a chemist and dentist to their building. Stelkor is known for having the longest operating hours as they know the importance of availability.

ABOUT THE installation

Due to the ever-increasing load shedding schedules, and recent movements to become more environmentally friendly. Stelkor explored methods to overcome the negative impact of running their generator during load shedding periods. e-LEK Energy was approached to find an optimal solution given the situation. e-LEK installed the following equipment:

  • 29 kWp Longi Solar PV Panels
  • 25kW SMA Solar Inverter
  • 60kVA Victron Quattro Inverters
  • 71.5kWh SolarMD Battery Capacity

The installed system allows the Stelkor Doctors to operate under normal conditions without having to start the generator during load shedding periods. In addition, e-LEK have replaced the existing generator with a modern, super-silent and economically more efficient 80kVA generator. This will only be in place for the event of a medical emergency.


e-LEK Energy and Stelkor Doctors have signed a Service Level Agreement to ensure that the system performs optimally and is well maintained in the future.

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